24 January 2011

the end of the road

Hell with it, here's parts 3 and 4 of our monthlong series of photos from ye olde Delta Spirit tour. Had to finish off a roll of film, y'know. Like booze, that kinda thing takes a lot of time and effort if you're gonna do a good job with it.

On Sheepshead Bay

Graham, The Fling, Baltimore


The O, Pittsburgh, much later that same night

see here

new album title

Cheyenne Morning


not-at-all-official tour photo

photos by will


Anonymous said...

is this matt from delta spirit

Darker My Dudes said...

no, that's Graham from The Fling.

Jason said...

the only thing better than DML is LSD. Did i say better? lets say comparable....cheers guys we really want to catch you all the way over in Idaho/oregon-peace

Jason said...

The only thing better than D M L is L S D.... we cant wait to see you in Idaho/Oregon-peace guys