Alright, alright, we're back, we're okay, we're moving into the future at the speed of 83 mph, presently thru an eyeful of blinding salt, in the land of 2.5%-or-whatever-it-is alcohol. The first person to read this in the next hour and comment with the best place to eat lunch in Salt Lake City will win a sweet tip on the best place to find a 5 dollar buffet with $1.50 Bud and Bud Light in the Reno area on a Saturday, Sunday or Monday.
Our first show is gonna be Monday in Iowa City, which is in Iowa. We feel bad for those of you in Des Moines who were planning on seeing us tonight, but we hope you'll find solace in the fact that your buddy's sister's boyfriend is driving to Iowa City anyway, and that maybe you can get him to drop you off at The Picador on his way to the Fossil Gorge. It's our first show, and now our only warm-up show before the Dandy Warhols portion of the tour, so, y'know, anything goes. We're excited.
Again, we're real sorry about all those shows we had to cancel over the last week. You've all been wonderfully supportive and understanding. We gonna make it up to you real nice.